Interactive cplint Book Example


This online book describes the process of building online interactive cplint materials using SWISH. It is hosted on GitHub Pages, and built with Jupyter Book and our custom sphinx-prolog extension. The source of this book can be found in the simply-logical/cplint-book-template GitHub repository, which can also serve as a template and a starting point for building your own book.


This template is a proof-of-concept for embedding interactive cplint-based SWISH code boxes using the sphinx-prolog Jupyter Book extension. This extension was primarily developed for SWI Prolog and the original Prolog SWISH. The full template and a user guide describing how to use this content creation system can be found at, with its source hosted in the simply-logical/prolog-book-template GitHub repository. The main difference between the SWI Prolog and the cplint version is the SWISH URL configured with the sp_swish_url parameter held under the sphinx.config key in the _config.yml file.

    # Configure sphinx-prolog <>

To see the full potential of the sphinx-prolog extension, have a look at the part of its documentation describing interactive SWISH boxes.

Building the Book

To build this book you need two Python packages: jupyter-book and sphinx-prolog. You can either install them manually

pip install "jupyter-book>=0.10.0"
pip install "sphinx-prolog>=0.5"

or by using our requirements.txt file, i.e., pip install -r requirements.txt. Then, the book can be built with jb build ..


For more details about installing necessary dependencies and building this book see the file included in the GitHub repository that holds the source of this book.